35 Believable Excuses to Miss Work on Short Notice


35 Believable Excuses to Miss Work on Short Notice

Just be clear and direct, give the general excuse/reason that you’re going to use to miss work, and then stop talking and see how your boss responds. Chose one of the reasons from the list above to call out, explain it briefly, and then just stop. Even the best excuses can be ruined by talking too much or continuing to “sell” your story after your boss is probably already okay with it. So stop talking and let them respond once you’ve explained the basics. If you just want to sleep in, don’t lie and say you’re feeling ill.

  • Additionally, if the weather is terrible, you may be unable to travel to work, which is a good excuse for staying home.
  • Communicate with your manager about the appointment and the importance of attending it, ensuring you provide sufficient notice.
  • For example, if schools are closed due to bad weather and you are the only caregiver to your children, you may be forced to stay home and look after them.
  • Consider a scenario where your car won’t start due to a dead battery.

Notify your employer well in advance and request the necessary time off. Most employers understand the importance of these milestones and will accommodate your https://remotemode.net/ request. Suppose your elderly parent falls ill suddenly and needs your help. In such a scenario, you would likely need to take time off to care for them.


Your employer will likely appreciate your honesty, and in most cases, be understanding of your situation. If your pet has an emergency, that’s certainly an acceptable excuse to call out of work. Your dog might’ve gotten into the trash and potentially eaten something poisonous. Or you need to take a pet to a surgical procedure or some other type of appointment. Some companies have a formal bereavement leave policy to cover death in the family, so be sure to check your employee handbook for guidelines.

It’s better to take a sick day than a mental health day if giving short notice. Save the personal day or mental health day for when you’re able to request it at least one or two days in advance. A migraine is another good excuse for missing a full day of work with only a small chance you’ll be questioned about it, since most managers know how severe migraines can be. Migraines usually go away eventually, with or without treatment, so you can simply go into work the next day and say, “I’m feeling much better, thank you,” if anyone asks.

You’re dealing with a family situation

If not, you can talk to human resources or your manager directly about what happened and why you need time off. Yes, anxiety and stress https://remotemode.net/blog/10-valid-reasons-to-call-out-of-work/ are quite valid reasons for missing work. Yet research shows that people are still embarrassed to take a day off for such reasons.

These could include holidays, festivals, or special rituals that are important to your faith. As an example, if you’ve ordered a new refrigerator and the company can only deliver it during your work hours, you’ll need to be at home to receive it. Be sure to inform your employer as soon as you have the delivery date and request the necessary time off. If your job allows for it, you might be able to work from home for part of the day. When a close family member is severely ill, they may need your care and support. This could require taking them to doctor’s appointments, providing emotional support, or assisting with their care at home.

Excuse #11: A contagious illness.

Otherwise, you may want to ask in advance about taking time off for a vet appointment, though some workplaces won’t mind you using personal time for routine check-ups. A family emergency is one of the best reasons to call out of work because you usually won’t face many follow-up questions and won’t have to go into too much detail. The typical boss will quickly accept this excuse to miss work without much questioning or doubt. Just don’t forget about what you said when you called in sick, so that you’re not caught off-guard when your boss later asks, “How did the family emergency turn out?

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